Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Claim Your Petition With A Perfect Court Paper

As per the rules of the supreme court of the United States, the papers required to print briefs need to be 61/8 by 91/4 inches in size and not less than sixty pounds in weight, while the cover needs to consist of sixty five pound weight paper. The court prefers perfect binding or saddle stitch.

There is no office supply store in the United States that sells office papers which are perfect for preparing petitions to the supreme court of the United States. That is the reason why Supreme Court papers have come together with some of the prominent paper mills across the nation to produce custom papers for the exact application.
To prepare a petition there are very few available options. Typewriters do prepare petitions but they charge over $1500 for it. As fewer than thirty percent of the petitions for the certiorari writ are considered, investing so much money beforehand does not make sense.

A case came around in which a petition for writ of certiorari needed to be filed that too at a price of less than $1,000. That is the reason for which Supreme Court papers decided to go on a different path to find the right paper and the perfect binding.

To know more about Supreme Court papers, visit their website which is www.supremecourtpapers.com or call them at 855-776-3800.